Guide to Living Your Purpose
I am so excited to host a workshop focused on living with purpose with my Women’s Circle during January’s New Moon. My mentor and life coach shared this approach with me a few years ago, which was the most rewarding gift that continues to help me align my goals with my purpose. I’m adding my own sparkle to this workshop, by integrating healing modalities and guided meditations. I’m honored to share the steps included in my workshop below, in hopes that you can also benefit from doing this deeper work to connect to your purpose.
From Risk to Reward
Each year, I create a theme that provides me with focus and clarity. 2017 was my year of risk. I needed to make some big life changes to meet my personal goals this past year. Putting myself in uncomfortable situations was the best thing I did for myself. The risk I took this year (and in the past) has allowed me to get closer to my present dreams. Yes, it can be unsettling, uncomfortable, and straight up terrifying to put yourself in susceptible situations; but no matter what happens, you will always learn and grow which is the ultimate reward.
All Paths Lead to The Fuller House
True life. I live in the Fuller House. No really. There are 5 Fullers, including me, my parents, my brother, Patrick, and my eighty-nine-year-old grandmother, Grammy Pat, plus my seventy-nine-year-old grandmother, Nanny Ann, and my boyfriend, Matt, all living under one roof. And here is why I am appreciating it.
10 Life Lessons I Learned From Improv
When you live in Chicago, the capital of improv, you have access to some of the best improv programs around, including Second City and IO. I finally took advantage of this Chicago perk and signed up for a Level A improv class at Second City. I was hooked! Little did I know when I signed up that I would actually be learning more about life than I would about improv.